Left atrial appendage closures with device

Left atrial appendage closures with device


Left Atrial Appendage Closure (LAAC) with a device is a minimally invasive procedure used to prevent strokes in patients with atrial fibrillation (AFib). In this procedure, a device is implanted in the left atrial appendage, a small pouch in the heart, to close off blood flow and reduce the risk of blood clots forming. This procedure is an alternative to long-term use of blood-thinning medications and can be performed through a catheter-based approach or a minimally invasive surgical procedure.

The procedure is typically recommended for patients who are at high risk of stroke but cannot take blood thinning medication. The eligibility for the procedure depends on several factors including the patient's age, overall health, and the severity of their atrial fibrillation.

The goal of LAAC with a device is to reduce the risk of stroke and improve overall quality of life for AFib patients.